Campbellfield Public School

Strive To Achieve

Telephone02 9603 4233

English as an Additional Language or Dialect

English as an Additional Language or Dialect

What does EAL/D mean?

EAL/D (English as an Additional Language and/or Dialect) is the educational acronym that refers to students whose home language is a language or dialect other than Standard Australian English (SAE). At Campbellfield Public School, we employ an EAL/D teacher 4 days per week to provide additional support EALD students to develop proficiency in SAE, which is used formally in Australian schools.


Who is considered EAL/D?

EAL/D learners are students whose first language is a language or dialect other than Standard Australian English who require additional support to assist them to develop English language proficiency. EAL/D students are simultaneously learning English, learning in English and learning about English in order to successfully participate in informal social interactions as well as more formal and academic contexts.


How are EAL/D learners supported?

Teachers use the EAL/D Progression to identify students’ proficiency in English and what instruction is required to progress them to the next stage of language development. EAL/D students are identified as being in one of four phases within the EAL/D Progression: Beginning English, Emerging English, Developing English and Consolidating English in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. The EAL/D Progression includes broad descriptions of the characteristics of learner groups at each of the four phases of English language learning. EAL/D students will receive high quality teaching and learning conditions to build English language skills and to achieve academic success. This learning occurs as direct teaching and is collaboratively planned with the classroom teacher.


Why is it important?

Although Australia is a linguistically and culturally diverse country, participation in many aspects of Australian life depends on effective communication in Standard Australian English. In Australian schools, learning is accessed through English, and achievement is demonstrated through English. EAL/D support aims to develop EAL/D students’ English language competence across the curriculum, to equip students with the skills to communicate effectively, to fully participate in schooling, and independently pursue further education and training.


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